Miller Enterprises - Web Site & Print Design

This blog is authored by Terri Miller owner of Miller Enterprises Design Inc. - Web Site & Print Designs. It focuses on web and design related information and tackles the latest issues involving good web design, business marketing, general computer issues and a personal rant or two about customer service.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Gas Prices & Those "We'll Show Them Emails" Analyzed

I have been receiving a batch of the "Let's show those gas company" emails again lately, undoubtedly because of the high prices at the pump. I have been getting them off and on for over three years now. I looked into the various tactics they propose and found most of them won't help. Let's look at a few of the most popular:

Don't buy gas on a certain day.

The emails always have different dates, so getting the millions of internet users on the same page is already a problem. Plus is won't work. So you don't buy gas that day, you will still need it eventually so you will buy it a day before or after, so what! The gas companies laugh! The only way this could have any impact is if everyone also decided not to DRIVE ANYWHERE that day and NOT TO MAKE UP the miles the missed at any time. So that millions of gallons of gas would be saved and therefore delay our need to fill up again and reduce the demand and increase the supply. Remember this, the point will come up again and again.

The other is don't buy gas from a certain company or two.

Usually the biggest two companies. This won't work either, since most oil supplies are so interrelated in this country. Look into it and you will be amazed at how all these gas stations are owned or buy gas from the big distributors. So it is a bit like a monopoly or so I have been told. I am no expert, but this would mean that in most cases they will get their cut no matter which gas station you fill up at. Once again, WHERE YOU BUY isn't as important as NOT BUYING. And you can only stop buying if you STOP USING! Supply and demand. The only way to get the prices down is to increase their supply by lowering the demand. This means drive less, or buy more efficient cars. Sorry folks, no easy out here!

I heard on the radio yesterday that many European countries forced car manufactures to produce cars with 45 miles to the gallon fuel efficiency. I also heard a figure yesterday, that if we forced car manufactures to increase fuel efficiency of all new cars by just 1 MILE PER GALLON that in a few years we could completely eliminate our need for Middles East Oil! Once again I was in the car driving and I have not check these facts for accuracy, but it sounds good.

They have us over an OIL BARREL and our only real choice is to not buy it or buy less of it. Many say the world is at peak oil production, it will never be able to produce as much as it does now, which means soon the supply will begin to decline FOREVER and the demand has never been higher. Look at China and the developing world who are hungry for our cars and lifestyle. A HUGE war is coming if we don't figure this out soon, God help us all if it comes to that! In the mean time all we can do is conserve. Hey not only will it save you money, it might just save the planet!

Thanks for listening to my ramblings!
Terri Miller


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